Methodist Parsonage
3503 Route 625
PID# 40473712
Description: The Methodist Parsonage is a two storey Classical Revival residence c.1875 and is located on a knoll on the north side of Route 625 in the Boiestown regions of the Rural Community of Upper Miramichi.
Heritage Value: The Methodist Parsonage, or United Church Manse, is a designated Local Historic Place for its architecture and for being the home of the ministers of the Boiestown Methodist Church, which later became the Boiestown United church. This building is a good example of rural Classic Revival residential architecture from this era. The front facing gable roof, the two storey bay window on the front façade and the returned eaves are key features of this style.
The Methodist Parsonage was built to house the local minister and was constructed shortly after the Boiestown Congregation separated from the Nashwaak congregation in 1875. This residence continued as a residence for the local clergy until 1958. It was customary for wedding ceremonies to be held in the Parsonage until the mid 20th century. Many of the local residents were married here. It is also valued for is association with the Fairley family of this area, which was closely associated with the Methodist Church here and was a prominent name within the local business community prior to the turn of the 20th century. The land that the Methodist Parsonage is located on was former Fairley family property and many of the trustees of the Methodist Church were Fairley siblings. Lumber used to construct this place was milled from the local Fairley mill.
Source: Rural Community of Upper Miramichi, Site File# 09-02
Character-defining Elements: The character-defining elements associated with the Classical Revival vernacular style of the Methodist Parsonage include:
- two storey rectangular form and massing;
- medium pitched gable roof;
- clad in clapboard siding;
- off centre front entrance
- two storey bay window on the front façade;
- balanced 2/2 window placement;
- eaves with returns;
- painted in contrast color.